The Importance of Retinal Imaging

Over the past 15 years, the use of retinal imaging has become more and more prevalent in the modern optometric practice.  Unfortunately, most vision insurance plans don't cover it.  So, it's almost always an additional expense.  For this reason, sadly, many patients opt out of receiving this additional procedure. The additional procedure of retinal imaging … Continue reading The Importance of Retinal Imaging

The Dangers of Mishandled Contacts

My primary focus at the OpticalJedi will always be on eyeglasses, but today I'm taking a small foray into the realm of Contact Lenses to discuss care and maintenance...and sourcing of contacts. There has recently been many advertisements on Facebook and Twitter for a new contact lens company.  They claim to be able to provide … Continue reading The Dangers of Mishandled Contacts

In Which a Theme Develops

So, it looks like we've stumbled onto a new segment here at the OJ...Ask the Jedi is now a thing.   I received another email today with some additional questions on fitting advice.  Here you go. Today's Email Hi Jedi Master! I read the “A Piece of Correspondence” article and appreciate all the specific advice you … Continue reading In Which a Theme Develops

A Piece of Correspondence

Today, I received an email from a reader, and with his permission, I am sharing it here.  I think the questions raised are excellent, and could  be quite helpful to some of you other readers out there! The Message & Response My Responses are set aside by color and italics Dear Optical Jedi: I have … Continue reading A Piece of Correspondence

3D Glasses. How Do They Work Anyway?

My recent piece, describing the difference between polarized and tinted sunglasses inspired me to address 3D glasses, since they also use polarization to work. Yes, you read that right. The same polarizing technology which reduces glare when you're driving, also allows you to see an extra dimension at the movie theater. As you might recall, … Continue reading 3D Glasses. How Do They Work Anyway?

New Facebook and Instagram accounts

I will have a more significant update within the next two days regarding 3D glasses and how they work.   In the meantime please follow my new Facebook and Instagram accounts Facebook/OpticalJedi Instagram/OpticalJedi

What are Polarized Sunglasses?

I have found throughout my many years in this industry that many patients still do not have a clear understanding of the difference between a tinted and a polarized sunglass. So, the big question you're probably asking yourself is, "why do I want over another?" For the vasty majority of patients, the polarized makes more … Continue reading What are Polarized Sunglasses?